
Open Enrollment is here and working!

It’s finally here. After a lot of waiting, a complete rebuild of the website, a ramped up


Federal health officials lower expectations for exchanges

"It's going to take time to reach people who have not been insured in years or ever..." DeMarco


Thank you to all who attended our outreach summits!

Last year we coordinated three statewide outreach summits, which brought together over 70


Taxes with benefits in Maryland

The 2007 cigarette tax increase caused a 29 percent drop in teen smoking in our state and will save


Great Primary Day for Healthy Maryland Initiative

 Congratulations to the 111 of the candidates who endorsed our Healthy Maryland Initiative who


Look who endorsed our Healthy Maryland Initiative

Twenty-four members of the Maryland State Senate (a majority) and sixty-seven members of the House


200 General Assembly candidates support cigarette tax hike, advocates say

Advocates seeking to increase tax on pack of cigarettes from $2 to $3 The Baltimore Sun May 22,


Healthy Maryland Initiative on the Larry Young Radio Show TODAY

Tune in to WBOL 1010 Radio TODAY to hear more about the Healthy Maryland Initiative.


Media Advisory: Affordable Care Act successes share their stories

“Nancy, Tom and Grace represent the over 330,000 Marylanders who have benefited greatly from the


Maryland should build on the success of its health-care exchange

Washington Post Letter to the Editor April 17, 2014 It was disappointing that Robert McCartney’s


Great op-ed in the Washington Post

"As Maryland weighs another tobacco tax increase, it can look to the success of its last one."


Candidates hit up for tobacco tax pledge

The Daily Record April 9, 2014 Bryan P. Sears If you’re running for a seat in the Maryland


Coalition plans to pose question to Md. candidates: Is it time to raise the tobacco tax?

Washington Post By John Wagner,  Published: APRIL 09, 1:57 A coalition of health advocacy and


Advocates urge increase of Maryland’s Tobacco Tax

"Cigarette smoking has dropped almost 32 percent -- almost double the national average -- (and)


Health groups urge $1 tax increase per pack of cigarettes

“It really is a win-win-win for Maryland. It’s a win for public health,” Amy Barkley, of the


General Assembly candidates asked to state position on cigarette tax hike

“The document simply says ‘I support the dollar tobacco tax to reduce smoking and fund health


Healthcare advocates push for cigarette tax hike

Today, health care advocates and community leaders sent letters to every candidate in the General


Two days after session ends, a push for higher tobacco taxes

  WBAL 1090AM April 9, 2014 Robert Lang Two days after the 2014 Session of the Maryland


Great news coverage thanks to Ravens Superstar Lardarius Webb and 211!

Check out some great articles and television clips from our radio ad launch with Lardarius Webb of


The importance of signing up

Since Oct. 1, the Affordable Care Act has provided full health care coverage to over 230,000