
Franchot’s health care tax credits well-received by small businesses

The Daily Record July 22, 2013 By Alissa Gulin About 5,000 small businesses


Officials promote health insurance tax credits to small businesses

Baltimore Sun July 22, 2013 By Lorraine Mirabella State and local officials are trying to promote


MD Comptroller urges small businesses to use Affordable Care Act tax credits

CBS News-Local July 22, 2013 BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Comptroller Peter Franchot encouraged small


Obamacare is working in Maryland

Baltimore Sun Letter to the Editor July 22, 2013 Recently President Obama reminded the nation


Franchot promotes federal health insurance tax credits for small businesses

He joined a number of health care advocates and politicians in Columbia on Monday to announce his


Franchot notes tax credit with health care reform

Small employers that provide health coverage are eligible for the tax credit if they have fewer


MD official urges businesses to take part in program for tax credits in health care reform

The Associated Press July 19, 2013 ANNAPOLIS, Md. — The comptroller of Maryland is urging small


Franchot: Health insurance tax credits are available now for small businesses

“This is an example of how the Affordable Care Act is helping Maryland businesses right now,”


Health reform outreach begins in Maryland and across the country

...Miles said, "The hope is, faith leaders will address it from the pulpit and in small groups in


Faith leaders summit on health reform: A success!

Thank you to all the 150+ faith leaders from the Baltimore region who attended our forum about


Medicaid expansion good for Maryland

Thank you for your recent article on a study of Medicaid the New England Journal of Medicine that


Health Reform Summit for Faith Leaders

May 14th 8:30-10:30AM We know faith leaders are likely to field alot of questions about new health


Maryland Health Progress Act Passes Maryland House and Senate

Maryland Citizens’ Health Initiative President, Vinny DeMarco comments, “We thank the


Maryland Takes the Lead on Health Reform

...Maryland was among the nation's first to move full throttle to implement the Affordable Care


Maryland will vigorously enroll the uninsured, starting October

Select coverage from the “Health Care Reform and Your Community" Ethnic Media Roundtable


Legislature should support Maryland Health Progress Act of 2013

This bill promotes transparency, non-discrimination and fiscal responsibility that will help create


Great hearings and great press!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Senate  hearing for our Healthy Maryland Initiative


Media Roundtable on the Affordable Care Act

Thursday  March 14, 2013 11:00AM 5900 Metro Drive Seton Business Park Baltimore, MD 21215  Those


Help us spread the good news!

People of faith, known as Health Ambassadors, are working together to spread the good news to help


Free workshop on the Affordable Care Act

The Asian American Center of Frederick in collaboration with the Maryland Department of Health and