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Maryland may soon be able to limit what private plans pay for some drugs with new vote

WYPRMarch 13, 2025Scott Maucione Exerpt: The Maryland Senate passed a bill Wednesday night to

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WYPR: Advocates hopeful to expand Maryland Drug Affordability Board’s jurisdiction this year

WYPRJanuary 2, 2025Scott Maucione Excerpt: “Lawmakers and health advocates are hoping to

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Key committee to vote on Maryland drug affordability board plan

WYPROctober 15, 2024By Scott Maucione Excerpt: “Next week, the Maryland General Assembly’s

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WYPR: Advocacy group calls on Maryland candidates to protect health subsidies

WYPRJune 5, 2024Scott Maucione Exerpt: “A prominent health advocacy organization is asking

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Maryland drug affordability board moving forward with eight medications for possible caps

WYPRApril 12, 2024Scott Maucione Excerpt: Maryland’s Prescription Drug Affordability Board is

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Maryland’s drug affordability board may expand to lower prices if it gets the votes

February 7, 2024WYPRScott Maucione Excerpt: “Drug affordability advocates are working to

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Maryland insurance expansions amounted to about $460 million in saved hospital costs

WYPRScott MaucioneDecember 11, 2023 Excerpt: The estimate comes from medical advocacy group

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WYPR: Maryland lawmakers take aim at high cost drugs on private insurance plans

September 19, 2023WYPRScott Maucione Excerpt: “…The potential bill would expand the