
Campaign starts for another $1-a-pack tax hike on cigarettes

The folks who campaigned for the new 9% alcohol sales tax and the $2-a-pack cigarette tax are


Push on to raise Maryland cigarette tax to $3 a pack

In addition to raising the price of cigarettes, Mr. DeMarco said, his group’s proposal also would


One Maryland group wants to add another dollar to the state cigarette tax

The present tobacco tax goes into the general fund, but Demarco will propose this new tax to be


A new tobacco tax?

The same organization which successfully pushed for a 50 percent hike in the state’s sales tax on


Group working for new Maryland tobacco tax

If the tax is passed the group wants the money to go towards tobacco prevention programs and to


Health advocates seek increase in tobacco tax

"Only when the cost of a pack of cigarettes includes its healthcare costs to society will a smoker


Higher alcohol tax in Maryland: Where will the money go?

Deputy Director Matt Celentano was interviewed on Mix 106.5 about the alcohol tax, health care and


General Assembly passes tax hike in final hours

"In these times of tough budget problems, other states should do what Maryland did, raise money in

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Celebrating the passage of alcohol tax

The Lorraine Sheehan Alcohol Tax Coalition commends the Maryland General Assembly for voting to


Some support idea of increase in alcohol tax

The proposed Lorraine Sheehan Dime a Drink tax would pour $215 million into Maryland’s economy.


Alcohol tax advocates roll out supporters including wine store owner

David Wells, who owns The Wine Source in Baltimore, said...that he is "confident that this increase


MD Alcohol tax a win-win say supporters

A new study concludes an increase in Maryland's alcohol tax could save lives and money.


Push continues for MD alcohol tax hike

A study released Tuesday says a proposed hike in the state’s alcohol tax would decrease the


Maryland preps for health care reform

DeMarco said he only needs 11 more members to sign on to pass the measure, which he calls "good

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