
Maryland Lawmakers’ Final Efforts Before 90-Day Session Ends

The General Assembly considered 2,800 bills this session, and Monday night, they were going through


Generic drug price gouging could be penalized in bill sent to Hogan

The House voted 137-2 for the bill, HB631, and the Senate approved it on Friday 38-7 with a handful


Senate vote expected today on Prescription Drug Bill

Today the Senate Finance Committee of the Maryland General Assembly is expected to vote on HB 631,

Take Action

Call on Governor Hogan to sign the prescription drug price gouging bill

We must not let the prescription drug corporations weaken the bill!


Bill would prepare Md. for changes to the ACA

Maryland Democratic lawmakers are pushing legislation creating a panel to keep tabs on potential


Md. advocates back panel to monitor health care changes

The commission would monitor what Congress may do to affect health care coverage for Maryland


Maryland Legislature addresses prescription drug cost

Maryland is now ground zero in the battle over curbing the cost of prescription medication, and the


Lawmakers target escalating drug prices

Maryland House and Senate Democrats are moving to stamp out prescription drug price gouging and


Republican governors are backing tobacco taxes; how about Hogan?

The Republican governors and legislatures of Nevada, Kansas and Louisiana should inspire Republican


Hogan must fund healthcare

The General Assembly has done its job. But now Governor Hogan must act to keep Maryland's health


Look who endorsed our Healthy Maryland Initiative 2015

Over 90 members of the Maryland General Assembly have endorsed our Healthy Maryland Initiative.


Look who endorsed our Healthy Maryland Initiative

Twenty-four members of the Maryland State Senate (a majority) and sixty-seven members of the House


Coalition plans to pose question to Md. candidates: Is it time to raise the tobacco tax?

Washington Post By John Wagner,  Published: APRIL 09, 1:57 A coalition of health advocacy and


Healthcare advocates push for cigarette tax hike

Today, health care advocates and community leaders sent letters to every candidate in the General


Two days after session ends, a push for higher tobacco taxes

  WBAL 1090AM April 9, 2014 Robert Lang Two days after the 2014 Session of the Maryland


Maryland Health Progress Act Passes Maryland House and Senate

Maryland Citizens’ Health Initiative President, Vinny DeMarco comments, “We thank the


Legislature should support Maryland Health Progress Act of 2013

This bill promotes transparency, non-discrimination and fiscal responsibility that will help create