In the News

Maryland moves to make medicine cheaper amid economic uncertainty

Washington PostMarch 13, 2025Katie Mettler Excerpt: “The Maryland General Assembly appears to


Two Maryland bills are the state’s latest attempt to rein in drug prices

On Wednesday in Annapolis, committees in the state Senate and House of Delegates will hold hearings


Here’s a way Maryland can stabilize Obamacare, despite federal sabotage

As the Trump administration has torn holes in the Affordable Care Act, Maryland and a handful of


Health groups back health insurance down payment insurance plan in MD

Supporters say it’s a creative way of trying to protect the federal Affordable Care Act in


Maryland cigarette and alcohol taxes were the right move for public health

The decline in tobacco use, which causes a third of heart-disease-related deaths, has had enormous


Maryland’s ingenious plan to fix Obamacare

Maryland can show other states how to make the Obamacare system work. It should embrace the


Here’s why Maryland needs a Basic Health Plan

Washington Post February 22, 2018 Op-Ed-Delegate Robbyn Lewis Health care is a human right. Without


Maryland weighs new approach to curbing prescription drug costs

Washington Post February 16, 2018 Josh Hicks A Maryland bill that would make the state a national


With Obama’s federal mandate disappearing, Md. Democrats push ‘down payment’ plan

Proponents of the plan said they’re hopeful that Gov. Larry Hogan (R) will support it, noting he


Don’t let pharma take down a new Maryland price gouging law

Washington Post Jeremy A. Greene – Op-Ed September 8th 2017 Jeremy A. Greene is a professor


Maryland panel to monitor health-care overhaul efforts meets for first time

Washington Post August 2, 2017 Fenit Nirappil A Maryland state panel established by lawmakers to


Hogan vetoes bill to ‘ban the box’ on college applications

Hogan on Friday also allowed dozens of bills to become law without his signature, including one


Maryland on-track to give attorney general power to sue for drug price-gouging

Washington Post April 10, 2017 Ovetta Wiggins and Josh Hicks Maryland could become the first state


Health care advocates push MD to address prescription drug prices

“We think they are fair, reasonable proposals that can make prescription drugs more affordable.


Maryland health group highlighting drug affordability needs

The coalition plans to push for legislation on the three initiatives in Maryland’s next


MD’s cigarette tax is saving lives

If Mr. Hogan intends to cut taxes, as he has promised, the tobacco tax is one he’d be well


Taxes with benefits in Maryland

The 2007 cigarette tax increase caused a 29 percent drop in teen smoking in our state and will save


Maryland should build on the success of its health-care exchange

Washington Post Letter to the Editor April 17, 2014 It was disappointing that Robert McCartney’s


Great op-ed in the Washington Post

"As Maryland weighs another tobacco tax increase, it can look to the success of its last one."


Coalition plans to pose question to Md. candidates: Is it time to raise the tobacco tax?

Washington Post By John Wagner,  Published: APRIL 09, 1:57 A coalition of health advocacy and