
Gov. Hogan has opportunity to improve health care in Md.

Governor Hogan has now been given yet another opportunity to improve health care in Maryland with


Maryland legislature passes laws to make health insurance enrollment easier and create drug price board

Health coverage will be easier to secure for uninsured Marylanders and prescriptions could become


State lawmakers consider using a penalty to coax more Marylanders into buying health insurance

Maryland could be “an exciting model” for other states.


State lawmakers consider using a penalty to coax more Marylanders into buying health insurance

A coalition of state lawmakers and health organizations gathered in Annapolis Wednesday to rally


Glassman: Regulating drug prices is pro-business

I am a pro-business Republican county executive. I am also a strong supporter of legislation to


General Assembly 2019: What needs to happen this year and what can wait

Maryland had great success last year in shoring up its Affordable Care Act insurance exchange,


Supreme Court must right wrong striking down Md.’s drug price-gouging statute

Drawing on its sovereign power to protect the health and welfare of its residents, Maryland enacted


Women, blacks, veterans: Maryland caucus leaders set goals for Maryland’s 2019 General Assembly session

Health care, immigration, education and criminal justice will remain the Maryland Legislative


Michael A. Pretl, personal injury attorney and health advocate, dies

Michael A. Pretl, a personal injury attorney, neighborhoods and health care activist and


The ruling striking down Obamacare probably won’t stand, but Maryland shouldn’t take any chances

Many expect that a Texas judge’s ruling Friday that the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional


What does Texas ruling mean for Obamacare in Maryland?

A federal judge in Texas struck down the Affordable Healthcare Act in a ruling late Friday,


Lawmakers seek to create state mandate to push more Marylanders into health insurance

“This will get a lot more people insured,” DeMarco said.


Ben Jealous releases plan aimed at curbing prescription drug costs

DeMarco also urged Jealous’ opponent, Republican Gov. Larry Hogan, to support a drug


Marylanders in Obamacare individual market poised to see rate drop thanks to reinsurance

“We need to build on this success to stabilize premiums over the long term by passing two key


The Trump administration finds yet another way to attack Obamacare

Maryland leaders — both Democrats in the General Assembly and Republican Gov. Larry Hogan’s


Politics and prescription drugs for Maryland government retirees

The Maryland Citizens Health Initiative is working to build support for the creation of a state


Doctor: high drug pricing kills patients

She was a victim of inexplicably high drug prices that are intentionally set by pharmaceutical


Maryland’s year of health care

Health care advocates sought to follow up on last year’s anti-price gouging bill for generic


Maryland lawmakers set to do what Congress can’t: protect Obamacare with tax on insurers

Maryland’s Republican governor and Democratic legislature have forged a striking bipartisan


The sleeper issue in 2018: Obamacare

A health plan 'down payment' is one way states try retooling individual mandate.