
Trump’s latest effort to undermine the ACA makes Maryland action all the more crucial

Fortunately, Maryland can take matters into its own hands, and health policy experts have proposed


Advocates push new state-level insurance mandate

The idea came out of a commission the Democrat-dominated legislature created last year to study the


Open enrollment in Obamacare in Maryland ends today

Baltimore Sun/Capitol Gazette Meredith Cohn Dec 22, 2017 With open enrollment under the Affordable


How Hogan can save Obamacare in Maryland

It’s good policy and good politics. Governor Hogan, what’s not to like?


Maryland’s Eastern Shore, a GOP stronghold, home to thousands who now have insurance thanks to Obamacare

"Obamacare sustained us, I guess you could say," Birckhead said. "I don't know what people are


Panel hears of Obamacare successes, perils in Maryland

A commission established to explore Maryland’s options to respond to a possible repeal of


How the drug industry blew it in MD

As Attorney General Frosh said, “The pharmaceutical companies are extremely powerful and


Before price gouging law takes effect, advocates hunt for evidence to enforce it

The Maryland Citizens Health Initiative launched a website Sunday to collect examples of price


House passes health care bill, setting up harder fight in Senate

"We think the Trump-Ryan bill would be a disaster for millions of Americans and hundreds of


Maryland alcohol tax increase linked to drop in drunk driving crashes

"It's very very important that the public know that public health policies like this work," DeMarco


Stop drug price gouging

We urge the Senate to adopt Mr. Frosh's proposed amendments and the House to concur and send this


MD continues to lead on health policy

Earlier this week, Maryland finalized and had an important plan approved with the federal


Advocates suggest ways to cut health insurance costs

"We have to look at the cost drivers of health care," said Del. Susan W. Krebs, a Carroll County


MD CARE Act helps caregivers and patients

LifeBridge Health, for example, has started a pilot program, the Maryland Faith Health Network,


Advocacy group pushes for transparency

Baltimore Sun Erin Cox September 8, 2016 A coalition of Maryland health care advocates want to


MD sets healthcare example

We know that people who have access to quality health coverage are more secure, have better health


Health enrollment up 60 percent as deadline nears

"We have made tremendous progress over the last couple of years enrolling hundreds of thousands of


Partnerships improve healthcare in Maryland

Baltimore Sun Op-Ed By Carmela Coyle July 1, 2015 For decades, as health care costs continued to


Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

"Now that the outcome of King v. Burwell is clear, we must not forget the many thousands of


Hogan must fund healthcare

The General Assembly has done its job. But now Governor Hogan must act to keep Maryland's health