For Immediate Release: October 22, 2024

News conference October 24 to push for broader authority for the Maryland Prescription Drug Affordability Board

BALTIMORE, MD – The Maryland Health Care For All! Coalition today applauded the Maryland General Assembly’s Legislative Policy Committee for approving a plan to set upper payment limits for high-cost prescription drugs. The plan was developed by the Maryland Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) and represents a landmark state plan to limit the costs of prescription drugs.

“This is a great day for Marylanders as legislative leaders have approved the PDAB’s plan to make drugs more affordable,” said Vincent DeMarco, president of the Maryland Health Care For All! Coalition (HCFA). “It’s exciting that Maryland is leading the nation in state action to bring down the cost of expensive medications.”

The newly approved plan will give the PDAB the authority to cap the cost that state and local governments pay for certain expensive medications, which will save spending of taxpayer dollars on drugs. Under current state law, the PDAB has the authority to set limits on the costs paid by government agencies for certain high-cost drugs.

HCFA will be leading advocacy efforts in the 2025 Maryland General Assembly to expand the PDAB’s authority to allow it to set upper payment limits for high-cost drugs purchased by all Marylanders.

HCFA will hold a news conference with legislative leaders to push for the expanded authority on Thursday, October 24 in Annapolis, at 11 a.m. in the Miller Senate Office Building Media Room. A range of state and local leaders, including lead sponsors, Senator Dawn Gile and Delegates Bonnie Cullison and Jennifer White Holland, as well as key coalition partners such as the AARP, will speak at the news conference.

“The PDAB has worked diligently to come up with a plan to bring down the cost of high cost prescription drugs purchased by state and local government, and now it’s time to expand the Board’s authority statewide,” DeMarco said. “The PDAB has proven that it takes a fair and balanced approach to bringing down drug costs, and the General Assembly should expand the Board’s authority and allow it to bring down costs for drugs purchased by all residents in the state because drugs don’t work if people can’t afford them.”

The PDAB’s echo the recent actions by the federal Medicare program to negotiate lower costs for several high-cost drugs, which will generate significant savings for the program.


Last modified: October 23, 2024