February 7, 2024
Scott Maucione


“Drug affordability advocates are working to increase the power of a board that can set upper payment limits on medications in Maryland.

The state’s Prescription Drug Affordability Board was created and 2019 and has the ability to set upper payment limits on drugs for state and local government health plans.

However, a new piece of legislation would expand the board’s jurisdiction to set those limits for all plans in Maryland.

The limits are a solid monetary topline that insurers in the state will not pay more than for a specific drug.

The legislation would also appropriate $1 million to the board in 2025 to continue its work.

Top officials in Maryland like Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott, Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olsewski, medical experts and faith leaders also testified in favor of the bill Wednesday before the Senate Finance Committee.

“We have to take this a step further,” Scott said. “This is a widespread issue with over half of Marylanders concerned with the prices of prescription drugs. Baltimoreans have made it very clear that it’s an important issue to them.”

Read the full article at WYPR.org.

Last modified: July 16, 2024