Maryland’s Health Care For All! Coalition is very disappointed that the US House of Representatives is planning to vote tomorrow to repeal the landmark Affordable Care Act which has already helped millions of Americans get the health care they need and will soon be helping tens of millions more. We are thankful that President Obama and the US Senate will not allow this to happen. We also thank those Members of the Maryland House Delegation, Representatives Elijah Cummings, Donna Edwards, Chris Van Hollen, Steny Hoyer, Dutch Ruppersberger, and John Sarbanes, who have made clear that they will vote to retain the Affordable Care Act. We call upon Representatives Roscoe Bartlett and Andy Harris to do the same.
Now that the US Supreme Court has affirmed the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, it is time to move beyond debating the merits of this measure so that we can fully implement its provisions. Here in Maryland, we look forward to working closely with the O’Malley Brown Administration to make sure that the law is fully implemented to expand health care coverage as broadly as possible and make health care more affordable for all of us.
Last modified: July 10, 2012