Thanks to a law passed by the Maryland General Assembly in 2017, Attorney General Brian Frosh can take action against pharmaceutical corporations who manufacture generic or off-patent drugs if they raise the price of the drug without justification and in a way that makes it hard for people using the drug to afford it.

Are you paying a lot more for your prescriptions? We want to hear from you. Attorney General Frosh may be able to take legal action to help you if your particular situation falls into the criteria of the new law.

If your particular situation is not addressed by this new law, the Attorney General may not be able to help you directly. We still want to hear your story because we want to enact additional laws in Maryland that can help make prescription drugs more affordable for everyone.

Information you share with us will help to guide the implementation of this new law and inform the creation of additional laws to address skyrocketing health care costs. Information shared below will be sent to the team working to implement the law which is comprised of the Attorney General’s office and their advisory group.

You may remain anonymous. If you share your contact information, we may contact you to clarify details of your story and invite you to share your story request your permission to share your personal story beyond the team working on implementation, like reporters. If you have any questions or concerns or would rather share this information with someone over the phone, please call our office at (410)235-9000.

Click here to share information about your drugs and how much they cost.

Last modified: November 5, 2017