
Report says alcohol tax hike caused drop in sex disease rates

The study also estimated the decrease in gonorrhea rates led to a savings of more than $500,000 in


Media Advisory

Alcohol Taxes Lead to Decrease in Gonorrhea in Maryland: New Study Shows Public Health Benefits of


Budget switch for Maryland hospitals is starting to pay off

"We're not going to rest on our laurels, but we're pleased with the work that hospitals, physicians


Media Advisory: Maryland achieves huge decline in number of uninsured children

“This achievement reflects years of hard work by state leaders and stakeholders” said Matthew


Maryland Shows Big Reductions in Uninsured Children

Public News Service Andrea Sears October 28, 2015 BALTIMORE – Maryland made a huge reduction


Health exchange looks to enroll 150,000 in private plans in 2016

A series of focus groups conducted by Annapolis-based OpinionWorks in July funded by Health Care


Number of uninsured in Maryland, nation declines

Uninsured rate in Maryland drops to 7.9 percent.


Just Released: US Census Data Shows Positive Impact of Affordable Care Act Across The Country

“We are seeing the lowest percentage of uninsured Americans in generations, and over 600,000


Guest blog post: Maryland Medicaid Redeterminations

We ALL need to pitch in to make sure our friends and neighbors who are on the Medicaid program


Medicaid turns 50 mired in controversy

"Cutting reimbursements to doctors at this time of huge influx made no sense," says Matthew


Medicaid at 50: Healthcare for the most vulnerable

“The Medicaid program is doing a tremendous job here to help people,” said Vincent DeMarco,


Partnerships improve healthcare in Maryland

Baltimore Sun Op-Ed By Carmela Coyle July 1, 2015 For decades, as health care costs continued to


Ruling has little effect on MD, but helps uninsured in PA, WV

"Marylanders who receive tax credits or cost-sharing reductions are not in danger of losing those


Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

"Now that the outcome of King v. Burwell is clear, we must not forget the many thousands of


Maryland Reacts to Supreme Court upholding Affordable Care Act subsidies

"The rest of America can rest easy that their health care would not be undermined," DeMarco said.


Republican governors are backing tobacco taxes; how about Hogan?

The Republican governors and legislatures of Nevada, Kansas and Louisiana should inspire Republican


Western Maryland health officials discuss obamacare, now 5 years old

The Western Maryland Health System's change from volume-based health care to value-based health


Maryland legislature considered many tax increases

“(We should) increase prices for tobacco to drive down the usage,” said Bill Sponsor Bill


Hogan must fund healthcare

The General Assembly has done its job. But now Governor Hogan must act to keep Maryland's health


Letter to the Editor, Baltimore Sun

Baltimore Sun March 30, 2015 Deep in The Sun’s article about the Maryland Health Benefit