Maryland Making Major Progress Toward Reducing Immigration Barriers to Purchasing Health Coverage on State Marketplace

Governor Wes Moore will sign the Access to Care Act (HB 728/SB 705) sponsored by Senator Antonio Hayes and Delegate Bonnie Cullison. The bills, supported by the Maryland Health Care for All! Coalition, will help more Marylanders to purchase health coverage from the state health benefit exchange, regardless of immigration status.

The legislation will have no cost to the state, and is predicted to reduce uncompensated hospital care and improve emergency room wait times. Past expansions of access to health coverage reduced uncompensated care by an estimated $460 million according to a recent report, helping to stabilize health insurance premiums for all Marylanders.

“Thanks to Governor Moore, the General Assembly, and the great leadership of lead sponsors Delegate Bonnie Cullison and Senator Antonio Hayes, Maryland is making substantial progress this year to help us reach the goal of ensuring that no Marylander has to go without health coverage which Governor Moore set forth in his Inaugural Address,” said Vincent DeMarco, President of the Maryland Health Care For All! Coalition. “This will have no cost to the state and as we get more and more of our residents covered, we all benefit as we reduce uncompensated hospital care for which we all pay with higher premiums.”

Last modified: May 16, 2024