Urgent Need

In the United States, where prescription drug prices are the highest in the world, we all bear the cost of expensive medications. Whether at the pharmacy counter, through insurance premiums, or our taxpayer dollars, every American is impacted by these skyrocketing costs. Unfortunately, drug corporations continue to demonstrate that they put profits over patients, hiking the prices of over 1000 medications in 2024 alone, often above the rate of inflation. This disregard for patient well-being has devastating impacts on our health and financial well-being.


While we are all hurt by the high cost of prescription drugs, Black Americans are faced with additional burdens due to persisting racial health inequities. Social, political, and economic conditions result in Black Americans being more likely to suffer from chronic conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes, both of which require expensive prescription medications. Currently, Black and Latino adults 65 and older are up to twice as likely to report difficulty affording their medications than their White counterparts.


Thankfully, states can address concerns by establishing a Prescription Drug Affordability Board, providing a policy solution that considers all members of a crowded and complicated supply chain, ensuring cost savings reach consumers. We need PDABs with the authority to determine fair, affordable rates for expensive prescription drugs– this will help to alleviate some of the financial burdens on our most disenfranchised residents and ultimately improve health equity.

What is a Prescription Drug Affordability Board?

A Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) is an independent state entity designed to examine high-cost drugs and determine how to make them more affordable for state residents. Tasked with reviewing a broad range of economic factors across the entirety of the pharmaceutical supply chain, PDABs are uniquely equipped to balance the affordability needs of consumers with the unique market demands of the industry. These Boards work to make expensive medications more affordable by establishing “upper payment limits” on selected products that are found to pose an affordability challenge to patients or the state’s health care system. Rate setting on reimbursements is already a common practice in the health care industry; therefore, upper payment limits can be carried out using the existing procedures in the supply chain. 


Eight states currently have some form of a Prescription Drug Affordability Board, and many others are pursuing legislation to establish one. Colorado, Maryland, Minnesota, and Washington have a PDAB with upper payment limit authority, while Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Oregon have established PDABs that are tasked with further reviewing the issue and providing legislative recommendations. We invite you to reach out to learn more about legislative action around prescription drug affordability in your state!

Find out more about Prescription Drug Affordability Boards!


Additional Resources

There are several nationally renowned groups working to support advocacy and implementation efforts around Prescription Drug Affordability Boards, as well as robust state-level coalitions working to advance these policies.

Patients for Affordable Drugs

Patients for Affordable Drugs (P4AD) is the only national patient advocacy organization exclusively focused on lowering the cost of prescription drugs. Working on both the federal and state level, P4AD exemplifies how to center patient voices in successful advocacy.


Recently, P4AD released a report on the health equity impact of prescription drug pricing. This report shines a spotlight on the predatory practices of the industry, highlighting several price-hikes on cancers treatments that disproportionally affect Black and Latino populations.



The National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) provides nonpartisan support to state policy makers to advance high quality and affordable health care and address health equity. NASHP model legislation has served as the foundation for many of the established Prescription Drug Affordability Board laws, as well as actively pending bills.


You can view the model act language and the state legislation tracker to learn more.

Families USA

Families USA is a leading nonpartisan voice for health care consumers. They advance their mission by combining policy expertise with community partnerships, building robust movements for improved health equity, access, and affordability.

Families USA recently shared a fact sheet on how Prescription Drug Affordability Boards can help provide relief to patients struggling to afford their medications.

Existing Prescription Drug Affordability Boards

You can learn more about the great work that these PDABs are doing by visiting their websites:







Many states have robust coalitions working to pursue and support PDABs.

In Maryland, over 450 organizations make up the coalition.