
The Importance of Affordable Health Care

We talked with Comcast Newsmakers about what Maryland can do to promote quality, affordable


Statement: The Affordable Care Act Is Still Law of the Land Despite Texas v. Azar Decision to Strike It Down

Despite last night's misguided decision in Texas v. Azar, the Affordable Care Act is still the law


Legislators to try for Maryland insurance mandate again next year

Maryland lawmakers plan to introduce legislation again next year that would create a state-level


Statement: Open Enrollment Begins November 1—Get Covered!

We commend Michele Eberle, Executive Director of the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, for


Consumers call for additional Md. laws aimed at stabilizing ACA health insurance market

"... the Maryland Citizens' Health Initiative, also voiced support for a state-based individual

Take Action

Four public hearings announced for state reinsurance proposal

The purpose of the program is to hold down consumer cost and bring greater certainty to


Experts say Md.’s new reinsurance initiative a short-term fix

“One important question for the legislature to grapple with is, if we in Maryland have a certain


Open enrollment in Obamacare in Maryland ends today

Baltimore Sun/Capitol Gazette Meredith Cohn Dec 22, 2017 With open enrollment under the Affordable


Maryland health exchange extends deadline to enroll in Obamacare

The Baltimore Sun Meredith Cohn December 13, 2017 Marylanders seeking health insurance under the


Maryland officials to discuss signing up for health care

Washington Post Associated Press December 5, 2017 ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Maryland officials calling


Media Advisory

Press conference at 11am Tuesday, Dec. 5 at the Annapolis office of MedChi, to announce a series of


On health care, state lawmakers grapple with uncertainty

She also warned that if these issues aren’t resolved, people would likely lose their health


Health exchange looks to enroll 150,000 in private plans in 2016

A series of focus groups conducted by Annapolis-based OpinionWorks in July funded by Health Care


Number of uninsured in Maryland, nation declines

Uninsured rate in Maryland drops to 7.9 percent.


Just Released: US Census Data Shows Positive Impact of Affordable Care Act Across The Country

“We are seeing the lowest percentage of uninsured Americans in generations, and over 600,000


Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

"Now that the outcome of King v. Burwell is clear, we must not forget the many thousands of


Maryland Reacts to Supreme Court upholding Affordable Care Act subsidies

"The rest of America can rest easy that their health care would not be undermined," DeMarco said.


Letter to the Editor, Baltimore Sun

Baltimore Sun March 30, 2015 Deep in The Sun’s article about the Maryland Health Benefit


Keys Player Records Radio Spot To Urge Marylanders To Sign Up For Health Coverage

WFMD December 5, 2014 The Frederick Keys are helping out with a campaign to encourage more


Keys to pitch ad for health coverage

Frederick News Post Patty Borda Mullins December 4, 2014 Today the Frederick Keys step up to the